Hope is made of steel
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Hope is made of steel

One of my favourite songs hit different today. It popped into my head as I was drafting an instagram post updating friends with the news (which I’ll share below). The lyrics go like this… “You left your homeWhere you were bornAnd you followed your furyYou followed your stormIn the backyards swingingIn the backstreets killing timeAnything…

Egg Retrieval #3 – The Results
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Egg Retrieval #3 – The Results

This week has been one of the hardest emotionally. 7 days of sitting, wondering, contemplating my existence. And I thought the two week wait was hard. What a mind f&@%. This cycle was big because having done two before, it was THE determining factor with how we’d move forward. Our first cycle was ridiculously successful,…

IVF Supplements – What I am taking
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IVF Supplements – What I am taking

As always, consult your fertility doctor before taking any of these. I am not a doctor, obviously! After about a year of trying to conceive, a failed IVF transfer and a few embryos on ice, I decided to call in the experts, and by experts I mean a really reputable naturopath dealing with fertility patients….

Egg Retrieval #2

Egg Retrieval #2

Despite the failure of our first egg retrieval cycle, with 7 embryos and 3 transfers (2 failed implantation + one 7w miscarriage), I went into this cycle with so much hope. I surprised myself sometimes with how I was able to let the past go and really be positive about the future and our outcome….