Egg Retrieval Journey IVF In Vitro Fertilization Fertility Treatment Infertility Miscarriage Blog Support Resources

Welcome to my


Here you’ll find posts about my infertility journey, experiences, and life. Feel free to use the categories or search bar to narrow down the posts. 
First time here? Entries are from most recent to the oldest, so navigate to the oldest post if you want to start from the beginning.
Embryo Hatching IVF Blog Experiences Journey
FET | IVF | Journey | Uncategorized

Hope is made of steel

One of my favourite songs hit different today. It popped into my head as I was drafting an instagram post updating friends with the news (which I’ll share below). The lyrics go like this… “You left your homeWhere you were bornAnd you followed your furyYou followed your stormIn the backyards swingingIn the backstreets killing timeAnything…

Fertilization, Some Feels & Exploring Donor Conception
Donor Eggs | Egg Retrieval | IVF | Journey | The Struggle is Real

Fertilization, Some Feels & Exploring Donor Conception

It has been 5 days since my retrieval and I am patiently (also anxiously) awaiting our final results. I have been sitting with my fertilization results for a number of days, not because they were bad but they triggered me pretty bad. During our last cycle the attrition went like this: 13 Retrieved -> 12…

IVF Blog IVF Journey Infertility Supplements for IVF TTC
Egg Retrieval | FET | infertility journey | IVF | Journey | Uncategorized

IVF Supplements – What I am taking

As always, consult your fertility doctor before taking any of these. I am not a doctor, obviously! After about a year of trying to conceive, a failed IVF transfer and a few embryos on ice, I decided to call in the experts, and by experts I mean a really reputable naturopath dealing with fertility patients….

Estrace Estradiol Pill Dosage IVF Priming Medication
infertility journey | IVF | Uncategorized

A new plan

We’re at the point in the journey now where we are living this day to day vs looking back. There are a lot of things in my experience to date that I didn’t share, but we will get to the more minute details eventually (things like the medications, the supplements, the diet, the coping mechanisms)….

Egg Retrieval Journey IVF In Vitro Fertilization Fertility Treatment Infertility Miscarriage Blog Support Resources
FET | Journey

Egg Retrieval #2

Despite the failure of our first egg retrieval cycle, with 7 embryos and 3 transfers (2 failed implantation + one 7w miscarriage), I went into this cycle with so much hope. I surprised myself sometimes with how I was able to let the past go and really be positive about the future and our outcome….

Ultrasound Wanda Internal IVF In Vitro Fertilization Fertility Treatment Infertility Miscarriage Blog Support Resources elen-sher-pv9oSbGVf9g-unsplash
infertility journey | Journey | Timed Intercourse

Never say never

IVF is one major life disruptor. One cycle with one transfer can involve 5-6 bloodwork appointments, 4-8 internal ultrasounds, getting pumped with liquids for external ultrasounds, timed and temperature controlled injections daily or multiple times daily for two weeks or more, popping 20+ supplements a day, going to the clinic sometimes 2-3 early mornings in…

Pregnancy test squinter TTC IVF Blogs

Preconceived notions

We had planned to start trying for a baby the old fashioned way in February 2021. If you know me at all, you’ll know I’m a pretty type A human being. I tend to obsess over things that I’m really eager to learn or do. I researched the crap out of conception. I have always…

Egg Retrieval Attrition Results Mature Fertilized IVF In Vitro Fertilization Fertility Treatment Infertility Miscarriage Blog Support Resources
infertility journey

Dare to dream…

Let’s start from the beginning. I never wanted a family. All I ever cared about was experiencing life, travelling, eating good food, enjoying my freedoms. A family wasn’t on my radar. I grew up in a chaotic environment. Shuffled around between homes and cities, between parents and grandparents. I never truly felt grounded, unless I…



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February 2024